
Showing posts from July, 2013

So Much Adorableness

I'm not feeling well so I started looking for cute pictures to cheer me up. I couldn't keep this too myself! 3-2-1 squeal!!!!

Don't Celebrate the Masters- They are Too Good For That?!

Typically, Google doodles are controversial because they celebrate someone who is not universally appreciated, or they choose an international icon instead of an American holiday. I never thought I would see someone take issue with a Google doodle because the subject matter was too well liked. Jonathan Jones, journalist for the Guardian apparently thinks that is just the case. I don't quite know why I am so guffawed over this post. He is known for writing about what not everyone is quite willing to say, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that one of these days I would disagree. The gist of the article is that Rembrandt is too good to be viewed online. Hmph. They take issue with the Google doodle for Rembrandt because he is so great you should not waste your time talking about him on the internet. The only TRUE way to appreciate him is to go to London and see his work first hand. Yes, that is the best way- but if no one speaks of his (or any master's) work anywhere el

One Man's Junk is Another Woman's Art

Sometimes the term "starving artist" applies not because of how art sells, but because art supplies can be costly. I would love access to a 50 foot canvas, but my wallet says otherwise. So, sometimes, one has to take other measures. I love painted wooden art. It can make something look more alive than in other mediums. So, when a family member was cleaning out a workshop, I asked if they set aside any wood at all, no matter what the wear. I went over because they were unsure, and was pleasantly surprised. Every shape and size piece you could  manage was awaiting me. On top of that, rope, twine, brushes, I was in heaven. I managed to salvage a few other pieces like some cigar boxes and a 1980 Olympics McDonald's Cup. But the wood- that made this starving artist squeal. I am excited to get started on more projects (and of course put them in my Etsy shop for purchase!). Here's to second chances at beauty!