Don't Celebrate the Masters- They are Too Good For That?!

Typically, Google doodles are controversial because they celebrate someone who is not universally appreciated, or they choose an international icon instead of an American holiday. I never thought I would see someone take issue with a Google doodle because the subject matter was too well liked. Jonathan Jones, journalist for the Guardian apparently thinks that is just the case. I don't quite know why I am so guffawed over this post. He is known for writing about what not everyone is quite willing to say, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that one of these days I would disagree.

The gist of the article is that Rembrandt is too good to be viewed online. Hmph. They take issue with the Google doodle for Rembrandt because he is so great you should not waste your time talking about him on the internet. The only TRUE way to appreciate him is to go to London and see his work first hand. Yes, that is the best way- but if no one speaks of his (or any master's) work anywhere else, it is very hard to introduce them to the young or newly interested. This is hipster-dom at its finest. Shame on you.

Children and those who have never thought twice about going to a gallery use Google every day. They may, honestly, just know Rembrandt as a toothpaste. So, by giving exposure, a whole new generation may be inspired to learn more. They may study his technique and save up money to eventually go to London one day. By the way, dear Jones, there are many who appreciate art worldwide that can't just jet off to London on a whim. And please, let us not just leave Google doodles to the second rate. So, happy belated birthday Rembrandt van Rijn and cheers to you, Google, for elevating a master on the global spotlight.

You can read the full article here


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