
Showing posts from November, 2013

Super Easy and Delicious Coconut Custard Pie (Gluten Free Friendly)

I love a good pie. It is the perfect way to end a meal. Yet, since I was diagnosed with celiac several years ago, a good pie has not been as easy to come by. In the early years it was a struggle, but I have learned to adapt. Once you can figure out what replacement flour to use, it becomes second nature to convert a recipe. But sometimes, you find that perfect recipe that doesn't need to be converted and everyone can enjoy it and your friends won't scoff when you say it is gluten free. (Seriously, it doesn't always taste like paper. You'd be surprised how many times I won't say something is g-free and people love it anyway) Every Easter and Thanksgiving I like to make sure that I am included in the big dessert spread. So, I make my signature coconut custard pie. It is easy, delicious, and honestly I would eat the whole thing in one sitting if that were polite. Flour, eggs, suggar, milk, butter, vanilla, salt, coconut. Boom. Bake. Done. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1/

This Super Cute 5 Year Old Really Wants a Hippopotamus for Christmas (video)

Nothing like a good sing along to get you in the holiday mood!

Quick Tip: Holiday Organization

In the age of Google Drive and Pinterest, holiday planning seems a snap. Until guests are seated for Thanksgiving dinner and you forgot the recipe for cranberry relish or who was supposed to bring the egg nog for caroling. If you are not a list person, you will be now. Grab a legal pad, make a list of dates and what you need to figure out for each. Breaking down each weekend/event into smaller components will make it much less overwhelming. It will also be a great reference for the next year instead of starting from scratch. I even have "holiday drinks, gift wrapping ideas, and leftover ideas" on mine. Now, breathe. You got this! Planning today means relaxing tomorrow!