
Showing posts from July, 2015

Why I Swear By My Feminist Uniform

Body shaming, body-positive, gender roles, patriarchy.... if I hear anything about any of these topics again I am going to rip my ears off, my eyes out, anything it will take to just make it stop. Yes, I am adding to it but I have had enough! I'm sorry, but we have over-corrected to the point of ridiculousness. That being said, I live like a feminist: 1. I love frilly dresses. If it is a piece of clothing that contains any lace of any kind it is a guaranteed fact that I will dream about it. 2. I love my Converse sneakers. I will wear them anywhere with anything, literally. And I will post pictures of said shoes in various places to Instagram. 3. I love dark eye shadow and glittery lip gloss. I know I look better with mascara and blush than without. 4. I have an entire drawer overstuffed with Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles t shirts. There is no better place to be than a ballpark on a gorgeous summer afternoon. 5. I crave salads and pumpkin spiced lattes. 6. I crave super hot bone

Lazy Eggs are the Most Delicious Eggs

I love to cook. I love food. I love eating. I love sharing food I love with others. What I don't love are things that take forever to prepare, with a list of ingredients that require an entire grocery store just to get through the appetizer. So, I love to come up with fun twists on simple or ready made food that make them pop without adding 3 hours and $560 to my budget. Today: the best darn deviled eggs I could imagine. I literally just made one egg this morning, so you'll have to adjust accordingly. I hard boiled the egg the other day, so it was nice and chilled (also, I feel like I could do an entire blog just on my journey of learning how to cook these darn things... seriously, why is it so difficult to do and remember how to do correctly?!). I cut it in half, scooped out the yolk, added like half a teaspoon of miracle whip, a generous amount of mustard, and mashed all that together and back into the egg. Simple, low cal, good, but yawn-worthy. Then I sprinkled on some

Shades of Shame: When Age and Weight Become a Dirty Little Secret

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Easy Party Planning Template!

Party planning is exhausting. You have a vision, you spent a gazillion hours on Pinterest, and you are ready to put it into place. Day of comes, how will people know what is in that sandwich? Who is that little kid and do they have a name on a customized favor? Are we doing cake or gifts first? The list goes on and on and what felt like a magical sweet sixteen is now you trying to run gracefully in heels before someone puts the mad libs in the wrong room. We have all been there. But there are too many birthday, graduations, showers in life to always feel so overwhelmed. The perfect party is all about planning. What goes where, what do you need to purchase, is it a balanced menu, what is needed for activities, when will they happen, and who still needs to RSVP can be solved with simple planning. I have ran so many parties, they are second nature to me, but I remember quite vividly those early ugly days. So, I am here to help. This is my party planning template. It is all here. Just