Why I Swear By My Feminist Uniform

Body shaming, body-positive, gender roles, patriarchy.... if I hear anything about any of these topics again I am going to rip my ears off, my eyes out, anything it will take to just make it stop. Yes, I am adding to it but I have had enough! I'm sorry, but we have over-corrected to the point of ridiculousness.

That being said, I live like a feminist:

1. I love frilly dresses. If it is a piece of clothing that contains any lace of any kind it is a guaranteed fact that I will dream about it.

2. I love my Converse sneakers. I will wear them anywhere with anything, literally. And I will post pictures of said shoes in various places to Instagram.

3. I love dark eye shadow and glittery lip gloss. I know I look better with mascara and blush than without.

4. I have an entire drawer overstuffed with Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles t shirts. There is no better place to be than a ballpark on a gorgeous summer afternoon.

5. I crave salads and pumpkin spiced lattes.

6. I crave super hot boneless wings and cheesesteaks on a regular basis.

7. I have had long, curly hair.

8. I have shaved my head. (And no, it wasn't a Britney breakdown, I did it for charity)

I know these SJWs will say that 1, 3, 5, and 7 are because I am "brainwashed by the patriarchy" to fit some ideal of what a desirable woman should be. Actually, it was a woman who has given me the most grief about my life choices. As a kid, I was out front having a catch with my dad like we would often do. This chick walks up and is like "shouldn't your brother be doing that?" Well, I'm an only child and who the *^&$ cares! I do as I please.

I do as I please.

Here's a handful of times I was an out and proud feminist on Instagram:







And that is the feminist uniform. Do as you please. Treat yourself well. Love salads, indulge in the occasional cheeseburger- Even if you are on a date (gasp!). Trust me, he'll be much more comfortable with you for it than thinking you're just a rabbit with boobs. (I know it might sound weird talking about body issues when I just talked about losing a lot of weight, but that is about health- not to fit society. I happen to love how I look but, honestly, being healthy is super important) Wear Converse with a dress. Or wear a curtain and tinsel. As long as you are legally covering all those parts that spook the powers that be, be yourself.

Embracing femininity is all a part of feminism. It is okay to rock a stunning dress. It feels good to get a compliment. I for one feel that what I put into my outfit shows the level of respect I have for where I am going and who I am seeing. But that has a different idea for everyone.

But please don't tell my daughter that Hot Wheels are "boy toys." That's a hard rule. Unless you need genitalia to use the toy, there is no such thing.

The only feminist uniform we need is our attitude.

KimmayJ is a chocolate, wine, and buffalo wing aficionado. She is happiest in an art museum or at a ballgame. She loves to enjoy life but also can't help but wonder why things work the way they do. She has three daughters who she loves to force into dresses, but if you try to tell them that a toy is for boys only she will go mama bear on you.  You can also follow her on facebooktwitter, instagram,  pinterest, and tumblr!


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