
Showing posts from January, 2018

#KimmayJWritesEveryDay Week 1 Recap

As you know, my goal in 2018 is to write every day. This may be a short haiku to a short story, to a ranting essay. I just want to write something. I am posting them in various places online daily (more on that later) but I will recap every week here. Sorry if it is still slightly disorganized, I decided on 1/1 to start this and I am getting into the flow of it as I go along. So, without further ado, here is week 1 of 52. Note: weekends I may often post an earlier done piece to give myself a break, rework old writings, and because Saturdays I am often quite busy. I will note if it is not a truly new piece. Day 1 All night I felt an energy, I was calm and finding a mental happy place despite having every reason not to. I read and soaked my feet, watched a great football win, took a trip to Stars Hollow. No setbacks or pain mattered. I then realized in these early hours of the morning, it was a new years day full moon. I couldn't ask for a better energy to start the year. Now

#KimmayJWritesEveryDay #Day4 "Writing Prompt: Unpacking A Suitcase

#KimmayJWritesEveryDay #Day4 "Writing Prompt: Unpacking A Suitcase Enjoy the first draft of the first short story that I have written in a very long time! Tonight, I broke through a major writers block. I actually found the writing prompt "unpacking a suitcase" on Pinterest, of all places, and ran with it. I first thought of a vacation, but what does that really entail? Cool, you maxed out your credit card to play pretend in Jamaica for 4 days, we still have no sense of who you are. I wanted to tell the story of a woman who is just starting to sniff independence. We don't know why she left her marriage for the solitude of a one room apartment, but we know that she is confident in her unknown.      That drive was finally over. From the time the ugly house full of ugly memories began to shrink in the distance, Lily did not know how to feel. Relief. Freedom. Joy. Grief. A disrespectful end to the past. They were in love once, truly in love. But she was stagnant, m

#KimmayJWritesEveryDay: 365 Day Writing Challenge

As the title says, KimmayJ is writing every day. I have decided, that starting January 1st, I will write a poem, essay, short story, musing.... whatever, something.... every day. I must begin and end it in one day, so typically we are talking first drafts here. I may later rewrite an earlier piece, but as for now it is early in the year (Day 4 to be exact) and I am still overly ambitious. Some days it will be that I have horrible writers block, and on those days I will be using fun writing prompts. I mean, I can't expect 365 days straight of having anything to say. As much as I would like to say otherwise, I don't have *that* exciting a life. Every day, there will be a Facebook post, something on twitter, and on Instagram. All of these will be tagged #KimmayJEveryDay, so you can find posts easily through that. Yay! Also, once a week I will post everything from that week prior on the blog. So if you want to subscribe, please do!!!! So far the first post is on Instagram and I p