#KimmayJWritesEveryDay Week 1 Recap

As you know, my goal in 2018 is to write every day. This may be a short haiku to a short story, to a ranting essay. I just want to write something. I am posting them in various places online daily (more on that later) but I will recap every week here. Sorry if it is still slightly disorganized, I decided on 1/1 to start this and I am getting into the flow of it as I go along. So, without further ado, here is week 1 of 52.

Note: weekends I may often post an earlier done piece to give myself a break, rework old writings, and because Saturdays I am often quite busy. I will note if it is not a truly new piece.

Day 1

All night I felt an energy, I was calm and finding a mental happy place despite having every reason not to. I read and soaked my feet, watched a great football win, took a trip to Stars Hollow. No setbacks or pain mattered. I then realized in these early hours of the morning, it was a new years day full moon. I couldn't ask for a better energy to start the year. Now to just bottle it up and keep it for the days my head is a mess.

Day 2

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Midnight Daydreams

She washes away

the tune, the river
She stands at the bridge
silken robes, sleek marble, water of a valley
time and space fade.
The mouse to the Pied Piper,
wandering to the melody
she thinks,
the blanket gets a bit warmer and softer.
The piccollo flirts with her smile 
rest, rise, relax to the crescendo
lungs fall and rise to the rhythm.
She closes her eyes and her 
mind teased, body melting,
seat reclined, blanket heated
through her bones
around the candlelight
Haydn and Bach drift through the room

Day 3

Writing Prompt: Describe your day in 10 words

Frigid cold, heated blanket, optimism, frustration, cheese, hot bath, restful

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Day 4

Writing Prompt: Unpacking a Suitcase

That drive was finally over. From the time the ugly house full of ugly memories began to shrink in the distance, Lily did not know how to feel. Relief. Freedom. Joy. Grief. A disrespectful end to the past. They were in love once, truly in love. But she was stagnant, mind full of forgotten dreams.

     But the drive was finally over, 30 miles northwest of her past.

     She pulled out her suitcase onto the lone kitchen table, full of all the things she needed her first night. First was her toothbrush, now perched singularly under the vanity mirror. She grabs warm pajamas, which she made sure to pack. Lily knew her bed would not arrive for 36 hours, and the floor gets cold at night. Clothes for the morning, a breakfast bar, cell phone charger. Next, her makeup. When Lily decided to try out life on her own, she began with the biggest change of them all, full face makeup. She stood over the counter, fixated on the bag full of independence. When your man loves you know matter how you look, the desire to take a wand of paint to your eye seems less than worth the while. But without the safety net of marriage, she felt the need to rejoin the girly masses.

     At the bottom of her suitcase were a tangled pair of earbuds. Lily's sole companion in her one bedroom apartment.

     Lily gets a paper cup full of water, crosses to the living room to the skinny air mattress in the middle of a drafty bedroom, plugs the earbuds into her phone, and lays back. As a familiar back-beat hits her ears, Lily exhales deeply. The drive was finally over.

Day 5

Friday: a haiku

Stay up all night sleep all day
Turn up new music

Image may contain: coffee cup and drink

Day 6

Saturday: a haiku

Glass full of white wine

Netflix asks if I'm still here
My goodness I'm old

Day 7

*A Sunday break repost from September 2017, cleaned up a bit

Nights like tonight are why I love a walking commute. It was raining for the first few minutes, but it was a warm drizzle. As the rain stopped, the clouds remained and it was a damp late summer evening glowing of blues and oranges, smelling of rain on warm asphalt, food cooking in various kitchens, a burning campfire. Cicadas chirped the last beats of the season and even the sirens were comforting (I've gone native). It reminded me of a night, I was maybe 11, I stayed up until dawn binge watching (well before Netflix and even home pc's) baby sitters club episodes on vhs, listening to the rhythm of the rain on the roof. It was the first time I stayed up until dawn, and I remember the early sunrise reflecting off the puddles the way the clouds did tonight. It was so soothing, I was meandering home gazing at the patterns in the sky and the last gasps of the late summer flowers, that I was breathing so calmly I was sad that the mile walk ended. Thank you, nature, for bringing a peace that makes every sense take notice.

KimmayJ is a chocolate, wine, and buffalo wing aficionado. She is happiest in an art museum or at a ballgame or hockey game. She loves to enjoy life but also can't help but wonder why things work the way they do. You can also follow her on facebooktwitterinstagram,  pinterest, and tumblr!


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