
Showing posts from August, 2018

Mental realness: social anxiety in picture form

When your stress is up, you're left with a giant post it pad, highlighters, and sharpees...  you get to work on a visual representation of the the chaotic solitude that is social anxiety. Enjoy and share, you are not alone! How would you describe how it feels? Show us your work! KimmayJ  is all about that car dancing life. Music is the constant companion that makes it all just a bit easier. She is open about her mental health struggles and finding her balance. She also has a degree in psychology and counseling.  You can also follow her on  facebook ,  instagram ,  tumblr ,  pinterest , and  twitter !

Mental Realness Vol. 1: Who I Am is Who I Am

Welcome to my new column, Mental Realness. Here I will be sharing my experiences of living with mental illness. I do this in hoping to reach someone so they know they are not alone or might gain some insight. I also hope to help break the stigma among those who aren't personally suffering. Together we can all get through this! So who am I? Basically, I am a 30-something mother of 3, with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Masters in School Counseling. I love, hockey, baseball, nature, painting, writing, and most people agree that I straddle the hipster and basic life. I like to re-purpose objects for art or simply for use. Halloween is my happy place and I consider tacos a personality trait. I have a pet turtle and hope to adopt a cat very soon. Me! I also have schizophrenia.  After 18 years of not feeling "right" I finally was diagnosed. I will expand on this more along the way. I'm still coming to terms with grasping all this diagnosis entails and t

Mental Realness Project

Hey, guys, big news! I am officially moving forward with "Mental Realness" a column for the blog that will be featuring a weekly post (or more if the mood is right) about my personal struggle with mental illness. I hope this spreads love and light and encourages people to reach out for help and break the stigma! Love and light!