Mental Realness Vol. 1: Who I Am is Who I Am

Welcome to my new column, Mental Realness. Here I will be sharing my experiences of living with mental illness. I do this in hoping to reach someone so they know they are not alone or might gain some insight. I also hope to help break the stigma among those who aren't personally suffering. Together we can all get through this!

So who am I? Basically, I am a 30-something mother of 3, with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Masters in School Counseling. I love, hockey, baseball, nature, painting, writing, and most people agree that I straddle the hipster and basic life. I like to re-purpose objects for art or simply for use. Halloween is my happy place and I consider tacos a personality trait. I have a pet turtle and hope to adopt a cat very soon.

I also have schizophrenia.  After 18 years of not feeling "right" I finally was diagnosed. I will expand on this more along the way. I'm still coming to terms with grasping all this diagnosis entails and the effect it has had on my life thus far. I also have a severe anxiety disorder. I will assume the worst and panic before it happens. Even if I am proved wrong, I will panic again.

Everyone worries, gets nervous, stressed out. But for some, it goes far beyond that. Through this journey, we will discuss what it means to have social anxiety, OCD, PTSD, panic disorders, and schizophrenia. Who am I to discuss this? I live these. I also have studied psychology so I could understand myself and the world better.

Thank you for joining me along the way, and thank you for being so polite and supportive. It is scary admitting to the world what you suffer from when most do not understand. But I believe that speaking out and showing the world the truth about what it means to have this diagnosis is the only way to create a world where people actually do understand.

I want this to be a safe discussion, so any comments that are derogatory will be deleted. My page, my discretion. I do encourage asking questions in a polite manner to learn more. I encourage it, actually. But, if you are suffering from a psychiatric emergency, please call your doctor or 911. You can reach out here, or on social media, or at

Love and Light!!!!!

KimmayJ is all about that car dancing life. Music is the constant companion that makes it all just a bit easier. You can also follow her on facebookinstagramtumblrpinterest, and twitter!


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