Getting Older Really Can Mean Getting Wiser

If social media has given us one thing, it is the ability to not grow old alone. I don't mean to insinuate that our virtual friends provide companionship, but every few days someone on my Facebook page has a birthday and well are afforded that lovely opportunity to moan and groan and muse on what it means to be a year older. "It seems like yesterday we were having slumber parties and now you're 29!" is all too often said. It gives us a time to pause about where we were the last time we saw Jane from elementary school and where we are now.

My birthday is still a bit away, and the big three-oh is a year away from that even, yet I am constantly thinking about where I want to be going into the next decade. A good friend of mine (from a long time back) suggested when I was turning 28 (yes, I give away my age- we are all mature enough to know that everyone we know will at some point figure it out) that I make a list of 30 things that I want to do before I turn 30. As I know I only have two years and limited funds, it is bucket list-lite. Yet, it is more important. This is not to see what the stars look like below the equator, but what I think will have me best prepared. I also threw in a few things that I have simply been putting off and really should get around to doing. Honestly, a shorter name would be "Stop procrastinating already!". A few points are: raise my GPA (check), sell a painting, own a hibiscus, write a song- I'm not dying, I just want to be ME.

I talk about appreciating culture, but the best way to know what is good is to know what we want and not to be burdened. In order to feel as if you are "on track" and are making every day count, I highly recommend making a list (and actively sticking to it!).


You can be any age! I am already building 40 things I want to do before I'm 40. If you don't want to go by age, maybe make "10 things to do by the end of the year." It may sound very trapping, adding constraints to your activities to make them fit some list. I, personally, find it freeing. I am living and doing what I truly want to be doing. I also am looking forward to turning 30 because I know that I will have accomplished 30 things that I have always wanted to do. I think you will, too. (and the process is great- I really had to think to round out that 30!) There are many ways to live with purpose; through religion, a career, a family- no matter what, know what you want to accomplish and JUST DO IT!


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