Lobster Ravioli

This stuff is stuffed with allergens and fat and cholesterol and everything that the smarter half are supposed to avoid. But sometimes you have to just shout Carpe Diem at your server and order the best darn food you can. No one ever said they wish they had less pleasure in their life when they are on their deathbed (unless you are in fact dying from overindulgence, but you get my point!). And today's Carpe Diem moment is: lobster ravioli.

This is lobster and cheese stuffed in a pasta hat topped with a cream sauce. Words cannot describe how delicious it is. I just went with a box from the freezer aisle of the grocery store and it was good! That is a testament to just how delicious this meal is. If it is not on your bucket list, it should be.

For the home chef, there are a plethora of recipes available. I have not actually made any of these myself, so I don't want to be quick to recommend one. But, one I found is rated high, so if you want to try it out and report back, please do! Here is a link to a recipe on the Food Network website!

For those who prefer to eat out: if you see this, indulge. Sadly, my favorite place to get it in Philadelphia took it off the menu. Yet, I googled "lobster ravioli Philadelphia" and this came up: Best Ravioli in Philadelphia from dishtip.com I think I need to try these out. I am happy to do the research.

So, throw caution to the wind, and ignore anyone who tries to lecture you on carbs and calories. In pure 2012 fashion, you only live once. So no, this is not a review on any specific lobster ravioli. Besides, we all have our own tastes. I just know that it is something that the health conscious may scorn. So, no, don't eat it every week. Just try it. You will not regret it.


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