Pennsylvania is Bringing the Pumpkin Spice!

The pumpkin overdose has begun! The official first day of Fall may not have arrived yet, but that has not stopped the influx of pumpkin-spiced deliciousness.
First: the pumpkin spiced latte. I have to admit that Delaware is a bizarre pocket of the universe and going to a Starbucks is completely out of the way of my commute. But we all know how good it is anyway. Sadly, "available on my commute" means the first latte I had of the season was from McDonald's. It was creamy, woke me up, and didn't taste awful, but it didn't exactly hit the pumpkin spice craving. So, if you are there, I wouldn't say don't drink it, but don't go running for a fix.
Next, I made my way to Wawa. I'm pretty sure that a choir of angels sang when I took the first sip. Run, crawl, steal a car (or not), travel 1500 miles to your nearest location. Get there, try it, love it. And if you are lucky enough that they have the pumpkin donut in stock, your taste buds will never stop thanking you. It is topped with granulated sugar, moist, and is  perfectly springy yet crumbly.
If, after your 4th Wawa latte of the day (did I mention you can get it frozen, too?!), you still need a pumpkin-spiced treat, grab a bag of pumpkin spiced Hershey Kisses. They are not milk chocolate, but still offer that signature melt in your mouth creaminess and balance the spice with sweet as only Hershey knows how.
I love everything Autumn, and these treats certainly make it special. And Wawa and Hershey, two of the best Pennsylvania based companies I can think of, are winning the pumpkin-spiced game so far. As a former Lancaster resident, this makes me happy. What's a favorite of yours?

PS: these are not paid or solicited endorsements, I really am this obsessed. 


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