All the Cool Kids Know Frank Turner is Pretty Much the Best *Playlist*

Songs make you dance, smile, laugh, cry, remember, and forget... and no one seems to get that like Frank Turner. If you haven't brushed up on this modern genius, he's an English dude with a penchent for hardcore punk and acoustic ballads and is basically the best wordsmith since Bob Dylan. Here's my top 10 songs of his, along with a lyric that I feel like should be sung as loud as possible every time it comes around. You can follow it on Spotify here!

1. Love Ire and Song (Live From Shepherds Bush)

"Oh, but once we were young and we were crass enough to care. But I guess, you live and learn, and we won't make that mistake again. But surely just for one day, we could fight and we could win. If only for a little while, we could insist on the impossible."

2. Plain Sailing Weather (The Third Three Years)

"The problem with falling in love in late night bars is that there's always more nights, there's always more bars. The problem with showing your lover your scars is that everybody's lover is covered in scars."

3. Tell Tale Signs (The Third Three Years)

"You kind of remind me of scars on my arms that I made when I was a kid with a disassembled disposable razor I stole from my dad when I thought that suffering was something profound that weighed down on wise heads. Not just something to be avoided, something normal people dread"

"It's not even love any more, it's just a claim upon my soul. It stains my skin, yeah it's on my breath, and I'm ashamed to get undressed in front of strangers in case they see the tell tale signs that you have left all over me."

4. Born to Run (The Third Three Years)
I know you know these lyrics, I just freakin' love the way he covers it!

5. Long Live the Queen (Live From Shepherds Bush)

"We live to dance another day, it's just now we have to dance for one more of us. So let's stop looking so damn depressed and sing with all our hearts, 'Long live the queen.'"

6. Polaroid Picture (Tape Deck Heart)

"Let go of the little distractions, hold close to the ones that you love. Because we won't all be here this time next year, so while you can, take a picture of us."

"Everything changes, but there was this one time things were okay"

7. The Fisher King Blues (Tape Deck Heart)

"We were born without meaning, we will die without reason, and the world will not shrug all that much at our passing. Yes, you can try and you can try, but no one ever makes it out alive."

8. Four Simple Words (Tape Deck Heart)

"Somebody told me that music with guitars was going out of fashion, and I had to laugh. That shit wasn't fashionable when I fell in love, so if hipsters move on why should I give a f*ck?"

9. I Still Believe (Last Minutes and Lost Evenings)

"And I still believe in the need for guitars and drums and desperate poetry. I still believe that everyone can find a song for every time they've lost and every time they've won. So just remember, folks we're not just saving lives we're saving souls and we're having fun, and I still believe. Now who'd've thought that after all something as simple as rock 'n' roll would save us all?"

10. Recovery (Tape Deck Heart)

"I know that you're a cynic, but I think I can convince you, because broken people can get better if they really want to. Or, at least that's what I have to tell myself if I'm hoping to survive"

PS- This is just what is recorded under "Frank Turner" and does not represent any of the kickass other bands and variations.......

If you like this one, check out past playlists from Sinatra to Dropkick Murphys to sleepytime songs to to the best of summer and a whole lot in between here!

KimmayJ is all about that car dancing life. Music is the constant companion that makes it all just a bit easier. She writes funny things but talks about this love affair with food A LOT.  You can also follow her on facebookinstagramtumblrpinterest, and twitter!


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