One Little Treat to Wow the Kids on the Last Day of School

The last day of school is probably the most bipolar of them all. The kids have made friends and memories and achievements, and now have to leave that all behind. Will you stay in touch with friends? What if someone moves? What if I get the mean teacher next year? But, there is nothing but pure freedom for the next 2 1/2 months! No alarms, lots of swimming and exploring to be done, and so much laying around to be savored.

It is a time for celebration of all the accomplishments, so of course they deserve a treat when they get home! But, it is still a weekday and planning ahead isn't always so easy. Enter the eternal favorite: the rice krispie treat.

But no ordinary krispie treat will do on this big day! So, make the treat as normal, but before it is done cooling, shape it into the number of the grade they are entering (no goodbyes, time to look forward to all that lies ahead!), add some fun frosting, and voila!

For full sentimental effect, write a letter and leave a surprise. Last year we went to a carnival so I placed the flier next to the display. Sometimes it may be a small gift. Whatever you do, it will be appreciated as they see just how sweet the next year can be!

KimmayJ is a thirtysomething writer, mom, and grad student who thinks unique food, fine drinks, and lots of music and laughter are the prerequisites for any good weekend. Nothing is too little to celebrate. You can follow her on facebookinstagramtumblrpinterest, and twitter!


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