How a Pizza Place Made me Appreciate the Little Things

It is hard to be brand loyal anymore. Every day it seems we learn something new about a company that makes us rethink everything. But sometimes, they get it just right.

Blatant advertising is never going to work. Trying to seem cool will definitely have the opposite effect. Just show that you listen.

4 years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease,  and it sucks. Eating anywhere except my own kitchen is a huge gamble. A pizza place is torture. But, thanks to an overbundance of demand, it's not always impossible. Sometimes it is perfect.

I have loved a local pizza chain, Ninos, as long as I basically knew what pizza was. So, I would have hated to stop patronizing their delicuous establishment. They recently debuted a gf crust, so last night I tried a pie. Light sauce, ham, and pineapple. The crust was great, but that's not where they lost me. Cross-contamination is a huge problem and I got my own little pizza slicer.

So not only am I more assured of a more healthy experience, I get an adorable gadget! And I LOVE cute mini kitchen appliances. So, they are now my go to place.

Embrace the little things.


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