Small Business Saturday and Supporting Creativity: Think Outside the (big)box

It seems as if mega-stores are taking over the world. A plethora products, bright lights, and low prices make it hard to compete. Yet, where is the soul? Where is the craft? Where is the customer service.

November 24th is a day to celebrate the upstart, the ma and pop, the good ol' days. It is deemed by (ironically) American Express to be Small Business Saturday. The day after rummaging through big box stores on Black Friday, round out your shopping by spreading your dollars to the entrepreneur. The Facebook page gives a lot of information on this celebration of the way things once were.

But, why wait for one day? Why not do this everyday? Instead of buying pieces everyone has, because well everyone goes to the same big store, go to small shops and find unique items? Buying small does not just bring business to local economies, but helps support craft. As an artist, I rely on sales at my Zazzle and my Etsy storefronts and personal buyers. So, think outside the (big)box and support creativity!

Love Birds Apron aprons


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