A Simple Guide To Not Making Valentines Day A Fight Night (Play Nice, Ladies!)

Valentines Day is a landmine of a holiday. Women, be nice. I mean it.It is hard on our men to know just what to do, where to do it, and when this should take place. It is stressful enough to get it right without us adding to it. Here's some tips on how to get through it gracefully and happily, and not covered in your significant other's drink (though throwing a martini is on my bucket list, to be honest)

It's a holiday, not the Olympics. Stop judging!
Valentines Day is the one day a year we all get to be cheesy romantics. Poetry, roses, enough sugar to keep us fat for the remaining weeks of winter... we get to act out our high school journals again. But it is not a competition. Stop making it one! Did the woman at your work get flowers? Great. Maybe her husband is going to be away all week. Did you only get a stuffed animal and a mediocre meal at a sub-prime restaurant? Okay, but maybe your boyfriend gives amazing foot rubs every day. If it's that bad, don't judge your friend, talk to your significant other about it. Or dump him, but maybe not until the 15th.

You tell Santa what you want, why not Cupid?
Be clear about your expectations! Do you want romance but tell him it isn't a big deal? He's not going to go big anyway. It is not cheap to do ANYTHING on February 14th, so I doubt he's going to cough up a bunch of cash for you to be unimpressed. It isn't about the gesture, it's the thought. He gave you what he thought you want and actually was listening. I have to admit, I am guilty of this. I am a sucker for flowers and huge gestures, but I act too cool. And I am disappointed every year. Don't be me.

It is his day too!
Think of what he wants. Are you always running around places? Maybe his idea of romance is staying in and renting a movie. Get a bottle, order in, and enjoy each other's company. It is the one day of the year he doesn't have to share you with your besties. Take advantage of  that.

Men, you  need to play nice too
And guys, since I'm going to bat for you here, don't be a jerk. If you think cheesy romance is dumb but your girl loves it, go all out. It's one day, it won't kill you. Help me out, here.

Want to hook up with a guy you know as a fact isn't married? This is your day!
And to the single girls, go to the bar and flaunt it. Plenty of guys are single too. Dr. Ruth said it best: go do your laundry, you'll get to find out who else in your neighborhood is actually single, too.

Here's to love, not war!


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