In Pursuit of the Perfect Cocktail (Part 1)

Friday nights at the bar are often full of disappointment. It's overcrowded and you're getting way too intimate with sweaty pit stains because you're smashed between him and guy with tie too tight, or it is under-filled with people and you just know that you are missing out on something better somewhere else. The app is cold. And the drinks are super pricey with way too much ice.

But some nights you stumble upon something perfect. The DJ nails it and that drink you ordered was just right. It was refreshing, not too filling, and you immediately take to twitter to let everyone know about the most on-point bartender in town. 

And then comes the void with realizing just what you no longer have. In my 10 years of being allowed to grace the barstools of the region, I can name 3 times I have had the perfect cocktail. Number one is the appletini at the Loews Hotel Philadelphia. I had this beauty in 2011 and still remember it 4 years later. It was not too sweet, not too bitter, and was enjoyable through the entire weekend. I have ordered many an appletini, and none have lived up to that masterpiece.

So, I started trying to make them at home to replicate. I find that most recipes online just don't quite get it. After a lot of tinkering, I may not have perfectly recreated the Loews perfect cocktail (which I must say was recommended by the best bellhop I have encountered) it is something I love to look forward to. It is simple, refined, and gives a great flavor that can take you through any evening. And at home you don't have to worry about sweaty armpit guy feeling up your back, it's a win all around! 

The key is the ratios. I find too much vodka overwhelms the balance. And go with sparkling over flat juice, it gives it much more of a fun kick! And, please, add the cherry. It looks pretty, and it's a delicious snack at the end!

The mix:
1 oz. vodka (Grey Goose or Crystal Skull is recommended. Don't go cheap, it muddles the flavor)
2 oz. sparkling apple cider
2 oz sour apple pucker

Fill shaker with ice. Add vodka and sour apple pucker, shake vigorously. Strain into martini glass, top with sparkling cider. Add cherry. Enjoy responsibly!

Next week I will present drink 2! 

KimmayJ is a thirtysomething writer and grad student who thinks unique food, fine drinks, and lots of music and laughter are the prerequisites for any good weekend. You can follow her on facebook, instagram, tumblr, pinterest, and twitter!


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