30 Times You Realized Age Is Not Just A Number

Every time I talk about my age, someone always pipes in with “don’t worry, it’s just a number.” Like I am just some crazy who is willing myself into a world of joint pain and boredom instead of drinking from the fountain of youth like all the normals. Well, explain this to me, then!

1. You’re too tired for Sunday Brunch.

They seat at 1pm, right?

 2. You pay more for that “fancy” food so you don’t feel sick afterwards
Farewell, Ramen!

3. The same goes for vodka
Six dollar bottles are a young man’s game.

4. Your favorite comedies suddenly feature parents or career driven breakdowns.
I wanted my 30th birthday to be just like Something Borrowed.

5. Skipping a couple of days at the gym is not an option.
It would be nice if body parts could just stay in their place when I ask them to.

6.  People stop asking what you’re going to do with your life.
Face it, if you aren’t in your career your meddling aunt has probably just given up on you.

7. A bottle of wine makes for a wild night.
Yeah, all hard liquor is a young man’s game.

8. People cut you off as soon as you say, “Remember when?”
Face it, there have been no crazy stories for at least a year now. We’ve heard them all. Several times.

9. You schedule binge watching.

If I watch Pretty Little Liars by 9, I can fit in 3 Friends episodes before bed. Now when does House of Cards come out? Okay, I guess my bat mitzvah RSVP is no.

10. In the middle of a carefully planned Netflix session you realize you are older than your favorite character and get depressed.
Oh, Ted just now turned 30? Cool, I am totally less put together than Ted. Thanks, HIMYM.

11. You wake up one morning and realize you haven’t had Taco Bell in 3 weeks.
And they took away your favorite menu item, sparing you a day of pain.

12. Your favorite booty call is in a serious relationship.
Time for… Tinder? Man, this is complicated and scary.

13. You don’t panic for your friend when she tells you that she is pregnant.
Because of course she’s an adult with a job and a husband, because that is what we do now.

14. A short skirt is way more of a hassle than it is worth.
Being 23 means a lot of tugging on your hemline. No wonder all those pictures looked awkward!

15. You are more familiar with what movies are about to come onto Netflix than what bands are in town.
People are scary.

16. Timehop is way more cringe worthy than nostalgic.
Some things should never be live tweeted.

17. You tell the cashier you don’t want 5 of your items because you aren’t sure you need them.
Thank you bills, I will forever dream about the dress that got away.

18. You give riding the subway a second thought.
That kind of risk taking is exhausting!

19. Your old favorite rock song mentions being 23 and your night is ruined.
Thanks Blink-182.

20. Beer is super filling now.
I’m pretty sure most alcohol is a young man’s game.

21. You woke up with a grease and/or chocolate hangover.
Food is now a one-sided relationship.

22. Hanging out in your friend’s kitchen is way more fun than any club is.
Migraine? No thank you.

23. If someone asks you to go out on a Tuesday night, they are obviously struggling.
Or if it is cold, or rainy. Seriously, what is actually that important?

24. Nail polish is only for special occasions, no one has time for upkeep.
Plus I saw this story about salons and disease and ewwwww.

25. You never leave the house without a change of shoes.
Stilettos are exhausting.

26. You know what? Everything is exhausting.
It is, it really is.

27. Rambling about your kids is not only socially acceptable, it is expected.
The few that aren't guilty of it just become immune to it now.

28. We barely even get jealous when a friend gets a promotion.
And you don’t even sense a hint of sarcasm.

29. You actually complete Pinterest projects.
Nothing pairs with binge watching like crock pot chicken!

30.  You read these lists all the time just to make sure you aren’t crazy.
You aren’t crazy, getting old is just weird.

KimmayJ is a thirtysomething who wants to know where the decade went. Follow on twitter @kimmayj!


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