Twin Peaks is Odd, Fun, Cool, Everywhere, and You Should Totally Watch

Happy Twin Peaks Day! To any true fan of this David Lynch and Mark Frost phenomenon of a tv classic, you know just what that means,  it is February 24th and Agent Cooper has arrived in the mountainside town of Twin Peaks. To the rest of the world, this means nothing. But it should. It really, really should.

It debuted in 1990, and I was only 6 years old at the time I obviously wasn't too into supernatural murder arthouse tv. Thankfully with time, and a love affair with Blue Velvet and IFC, I started to worship at the altar of Lynch and fell in love with this baffling tv show. It really is baffling. But it is worth the ride. Don't take notes, just go along with it and when you are done the binge watch (which as of this writing you can do on Netflix) you will just want to start all over again.

I don't want to tell you anything about the story, but here are my three favorite things that ever happened on the show and sum up just where Lynch and Frost were willing to go to tell a story. (These Youtube links are not my own)

I highly recommend that you watch now, because in 2016 we get another season, this time on Showtime. Maybe it has some new life and popularity thanks to Netflix, or maybe the prediction is just a big artistic follow through. No matter the reason, fans eveywhere are rejoicing. You will NOT want to be left behind!


KimmayJ is a Netflix addict who loves a good live tweet session. Her weakness is a sappy girly movie or a cheesy horror film accompanied by a lot of blankets and a good snack. A girl needs what a girl needs, I guess. You can also follow her on facebook, instagram, tumblr, pinterest, and twitter!


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