
Yup, that is me. I am a serial procrastinator. Today, though, I am tunneling through my to-do list. Why? The backlog is becoming unbearable. So today, I am determined to not procrastinate. So far, so good!

Tips to overcome procrastination:
-Perspective. Don't make a task too big. If possible, just think about doing one little piece of the puzzle at a time.
-Start with the most difficult task. Huh? You say? Yes, do the hardest thing first. Once you do, you will be so proud of yourself that you will keep plowing through. Everything else, also, will seem easier in comparison.
-Get moving. Maybe go for a jog or a walk or even just stretch a bit first if excercise isn't your "thing". This will brighten your mood, get your blood pumping, and will make your body want to keep moving!
-Finish the task. Allow yourself enough time to not get interrupted, which will restart the procrastination cycle.

 Event tip: Order your event tickets ahead of time so that weekend or holiday crowds don't sell out your normally calm event or exhibit before you get a chance to get in.

Okay, now onto the next thing....

*I am a bit giddy because this is the first meme I've ever made. I feel like I just discovered the year 2012


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