Garden Fresh Cooking- Good for the pallet and the wallet

With August upon us, there are a plethora of fresh food choices. Whether it comes from your personal garden, a neighbor's yard, or a produce stand, this is the time to snatch up deliciously fresh food on the cheap. Anyone who has grown their own tomatoes knows the ones you find in the grocery store simply don't compare.

I am not going to lecture you on organics or genetically modified horror stories that lace every news feed compiled by the environmental watchdogs. I just want to discuss taste. We may disagree on FDA politics, I doubt we will disagree on what is yummy.

This past month, I have incorporated a tomato sandwich into my daily diet. Sliced tomato, light mayo, soft bread, a dash of salt and pepper. It is truly a summer delight.

Yesterday, though, I decided to expand on my garden to table menu. I have bell peppers, banana peppers, and tomatoes. I also had some leftover rice and beans in the freezer. I finely chopped the tomatoes and banana pepper, mixed it with the rice, and stuffed an olive oil coated pepper. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes, and there ya go!
The before veggies, and stuffed peppers
It was delicious! With minimal additives (whatever Goya adds to their red rice and beans), you could really taste the difference. Every flavor popped! Did I mention how inexpensive it was? Once you pay for the plants, the food is free. Many farm stands sell tomatoes 4/$1, compared to the dollar a piece in a grocery store.

I understand, not everyone has the time to garden. At the least, find a farm stand. Your taste buds, and wallet, will thank you.


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