
Showing posts from 2012

Holiday Cocoa With a Twist for the Whole Family

Hot cocoa is a must have on cold December nights. (Though, as I write this, it is 65 degrees outside and unseasonably warm) It is a favorite of kids and adults alike, and here is a way to make it even more fun.... Snowman soup! Take one packet hot cocoa, mix with hot water according to the package. Add two Hershey kisses, and a smattering of mini marshmallows. Drop a mini candy cane in the top for a sweet, chocolate-y  minty treat. It is very tempting to gulp it down quickly! You can also give the ingredients to kids for them to mix. For an alcoholic twist for the adults, before adding the marshmallows and candy cane, add a shot of Pinnacle Whipped Vodka . It will enhance the sugary treat, and also add a kick. Make a station to create these at your next holiday cocktail party! Enjoy!

Favorite Christmas Movie Poll Results! And the Winner Is...

Holiday movies have become an integral part of celebrating the season. Nothing beats curling up at night with a cup of hot cocoa, and by the light of the tree, watching a movie that makes us smile. So, I took to Facebook and Twitter to see what movies people love. I asked, what are your top three favorite holiday movies. For some people, that is a claymation favorite enjoyed since childhood. Some enjoy heartwarming stories (but, make it the original, remakes do not score well, apparently). Ebenezer Scrooge, in any form, is loved. Two forms of a Christmas Carol, Scrooge , and the spin-off comedy Scrooged all the made the list. Most of all, people want a laugh. Elf scored well above the others and ran away with the number one vote. Christmas Vacation scored very high, and Christmas Story was the only other movie to receive double digits (though it did have one vote taken away due to the response of "Anything but Christmas Story"). A comedy can also be dark ( Bad Santa

Poll: Favorite Christmas movie?

With the holidays approaching, I wanted to throw a new movie poll out there. What are your three favorite holiday movies? It is much harder to answer than it looks, there are just so many great ones out there. Respond in the comments or on facebook at  or on  twitter @kimmayj ! I will post the results on Sunday Dec. 2nd.

QotD: Is it Almost December Already? Yes? Breathe!

I know it is said every year, but this year is flying by! December is quickly approaching, and there are so many things to be done. Holidays simply do not appear on their own (well, they do, but they are quite boring without a few embellishments) and the clock is ticking. Over the next few weeks I will posting staycation ideas, drinks (with and without alcohol), cookie recipes, holiday entertainment, celebrations, and ways to survive winter. I look forward to the approaching season, and hope you do as well. In the meantime, here is a quote to make you smile and get you through the quickly moving day. How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. Its December before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? -Dr. Seuss Tip to survive the holiday season: Write it down! Write down everything that you may possibly need to do and organize in the order they must be done. But please, take the time to breathe. The joy is not the a

Everybody Loves a Thanksgiving Parade

My favorite part of Thanksgiving, besides a third helping of stuffing and sweet potatoes, is the parade. Every morning growing up we would have a brunch of cinnamon rolls, eggs and bacon, pickles, cheese and crackers and flip between the Macy's parade and Philadelphia parade on tv. It was not Thanksgiving without the balloons and Christmas could not start until Santa arrived. I still tear up when I first see the sleigh! The parades are an American tradition. We would not have had  Miracle on 34th Street  without the Macy's parade. The Rockettes dazzle, and everyone secretly hopes for a wayward balloon to come down and cause a few laughs. The first Thanksgiving parade was in 1920 in Philadelphia, PA and continues to go strong until this day. Being from the Philadelphia area, I could not imagine a Thanksgiving morning without Major Drumstick and the Art Museum steps. Even if we are not lucky enough to be in New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, or another town with this traditi

November Playlist of the Month- The Gold Standard

November is the month to entertain. We all have Thanksgiving dinner, cocktail parties, and dinner gatherings to attend. This month, in honor of the kick-off of dinner party season, I offer the Gold Standard playlist. Those songs that will be loved by any crowd and provide a perfect backdrop to  crudités  and wine. The selected tunes are great for those nights where Christmas music isn't quite what you are looking for. Personally, I love to blast My Way in the car when I need a bit of self-empowerment. You can never go wrong with Frank. Some songs may be familiar, but they should never be forgotten, and are always appropriate. Frank Sinatra- Fly Me to the Moon Frank Sinatra- My Way Dean Martin- Ain't That a Kick in the Head Etta James- Stormy Weather Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong- Dream a Little Dream of Me Doris Day- Que Sera Sera Etta James- All I Could Do Was Cry Louis Armstrong- What a Wonderful World Frank Sinatra- As Time Goes By Bobby Darin- Mack the Knif

Coping With Thanksgiving Stress and QotD from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanksgiving week is upon us. We are busy getting the house perfect for the family that is coming to visit, stressing if the in-laws won't scoff at the turkey or the linens, running around every store in town for that elusive ingredient, or preparing how to passive aggressively tell Aunt Jane to stop asking when you will find the right one. Sometimes in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, we forget the true meaning of the day. It is not to quarrel with family or show off your gourmet skills, but hold hands and express why we are happy to have the ability to gather around the table. In the words of the great Ralph Waldo Emerson : For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. For the host: Family might be a bit overbearing, but they care. Your in-laws just love their child so  much that they want their partner to be perfect. Your food will be fine. Just cook it

Not Your Average Photo or Hand Made Christmas Card!

Is it really time to stress Christmas cards? Yes. Yes, it is. Well, no, if you are going to go to the store, pick up some pre-fab thing, sign your name, and send them on their way. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Most people probably don't even look at what the card actually says, they are just happy that you didn't forget/ignore them this year. I may be neurotic, but I know when I don't get a card from someone, but other people do, I feel slighted. (Please let me know I am not crazy...) Okay, to stay on track- BUT, if you are trying to send cards that make someone think, "WOW!!!!" then you better get on it. With Thanksgiving looming, there are only a few good weeks left in order for your friends/relatives/people you play nice with to receive their card by the day after New Years. For the past several years I have opted with the photo card. It lets people who don't live nearby and don't have Facebook see my family's smiling faces. Just,

QotD: One Week Until Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving dinners take 18 hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. -Erma Bombeck I, for one, think Thanksgiving is one of the best days of the year. My 11pm "second dinner" plate is most likely  bigger than my actual dinner plate, and I am not ashamed. With a week to go, preparations are in full swing. Menus are flying around google docs, vegetables are being hoarded, place cards are being designed. We are aflutter with musings of the parade floats and brunch. What are you doing to prepare for the holiday next week? Tip: for easy name "cards" that give a beautiful touch, your guests a flattering glow, and takes care of leftover mini pumpkins, take mini pumpkins (the ones that fit in your hand) and circle out the top so a small tealight fits inside. Then scrawl the guests name on the side with a glittery calligraphy pen, place next to their glass, and ta-da!

Small Business Saturday and Supporting Creativity: Think Outside the (big)box

It seems as if mega-stores are taking over the world. A plethora products, bright lights, and low prices make it hard to compete. Yet, where is the soul? Where is the craft? Where is the customer service. November 24th is a day to celebrate the upstart, the ma and pop, the good ol' days. It is deemed by (ironically) American Express to be Small Business Saturday. The day after rummaging through big box stores on Black Friday, round out your shopping by spreading your dollars to the entrepreneur. The  Facebook page  gives a lot of information on this celebration of the way things once were. But, why wait for one day? Why not do this everyday? Instead of buying pieces everyone has, because well everyone goes to the same big store, go to small shops and find unique items? Buying small does not just bring business to local economies, but helps support craft. As an artist, I rely on sales at my Zazzle and my Etsy storefronts and personal buyers. So, think outside the (big)box and

Pumpkin Egg Nog and Breaking the Rules

During November I have two rules that I live by. 1)Calories- learn moderation so feeling satiated by pumpkin pie doesn't turn into needing a whole new (bigger) wardrobe for Christmas. 2) Absolutely no Christmas ANYTHING is to be seen, heard, or consumed until Santa climbs the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Yet, a little something caught my eye that has had me rethinking this game plan.   Yes, Hood makes pumpkin egg nog! This is too delicious for words. It is like drinking a pumpkin pie. At 180 calories per 4 ounces, it definitely challenges rule number 1. Yet, I find one 4 ounce serving per day is not going to kill my waist line, and just gives me a bigger appreciation for a salad for lunch. Now, egg nog is undeniably a Christmas treat. So, it is breaking rule 2. But, wait, pumpkin is a fall flavor! So, indulge and sleep soundly knowing that you have not bought into the commercial ideal that the day after Halloween is suddenly Christmas Eve.

QotD 9/26: Picasso and the Art of Relaxation

I could not agree more!  I, personally, love to paint and enjoy live theater. How do you use art to relax? *If you like this as a poster it is available (without the watermark at the bottom)   in my zazzle shop for sale  Check out  for this along with many other products!

September Playlist Time!

Today, as the first day of Fall, brings the dire need for that favorite cozy sweater. The nights are longer, the air is crisp, and the soundtrack is changing. So, I bring you the September playlist! These songs may illicit that summer is over (quite literally, courtesy of The Kinks) or just give a certain coziness or last ditch hurrah that is perfect for the bonfire. There are so many emotions, maybe you are looking forward to a new beginning at school or are longing for that summer love. Some are old favorites, and others are new gems. I hope you enjoy! Green Day- Wake Me Up When September Ends The Kinks- Summer's Gone Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes- 40 Day Dream Regina Spektor- Eet Belle and Sebastian- It Could Have Been A Brilliant Career Hustle Roses- Alive The Airborne Toxic Event- All At Once Fun.- All At Once Save Ferris- Come On Eileen Cold War Kids- We Used to Vacation The Killers- Runaways Amy Winehouse- Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? Radio

A Timeless Favorite: Les Miserables- classic book, beautiful play, now a movie! (With Trailer!)

I know exactly what I am doing this Christmas day. After opening gifts, visiting family, overstuffing myself on roast beef and snickerdoodles, I am heading to the movie theater and watching  Les Miserables!  I have been in love with this story since I saw it at the Forrest Theater in Philadelphia back when I was in middle school (so, needless to say, a very long time). The music was enchanting, it moved me to tears, and still does to this day. The book, written in 1862 by Victor Hugo, tells the tale of love, poverty, loss, and redemption during the French Revolution. The story centers around Jean Valjean and the people that he encounters. The novel begins with him being released from prison for stealing bread. He ends up meeting Fantine, a working woman, who must give up her daughter Cosette, who is raised by Valjean as his child. We watch Cosette grow up, and fall in love in the midst of war. We watch Valjean battle for his freedom and escape his past against prison guard Javert. We

Quick and Easy Fall Kickoff Drinks

TGIF!!!! Everyone survive the week mostly intact? Time to celebrate! We also have another reason to celebrate, Autumn is here! On September 22nd at 10:49 am to be exact :) Sooooo, we have two choices on this lovely Friday. Enjoy the last day of fun summer drinks (hint: go under the label "what's in your cup" for a bunch of great recipes- the link is at the bottom of the post). OR say, who needs to wait until tomorrow, I need to start my fall drinks NOW. If you are in the second group (I know I am!) this list of a few fall drink options is for you (Next month I will post more Halloween themed drinks- keep an eye out!). - Woodchuck Pumpkin Private . I was obsessed from the first sip. If you need to locate it, you can on the company's  website . It is a limited release, so grab it quick. And, it is naturally gluten free! -Another easy to grab off the shelf drink: Dogfish Head Punkin Ale . Back when I was a gluten consumer, this was my favorite fall drink. It is brew

Fall Staycation Ideas- Delicious and Fun Ways to View the Changing Leaves

Saturday is the first day of Fall!!!! If you are anything like me, this is super exciting. Autumn can be a lovely time of year. The leaves are turning, the air is crisp, pumpkin coffee is at every corner shop, and Halloween is bringing out the kid in everybody. It is a great time of year to really appreciate what your local area has to offer- or travel (kids are in school, so it's not a prime time) to a place a bit more hoodie-friendly for those in the warmer climates. Wine trails - These are not just for Napa. While the best wine may come from more distant locales, much of the United States is covered in grapes. Wine trails are a beautiful, and delicious, way to sample some local vintages and get gorgeous views of the local area. A simple Google search of "autumn wine trails" has brought   up such diverse states as Ohio, Michigan, and Connecticut. Delaware is offering a wine AND ale trail, and York County Pennsylvania has many trails to explore. There may be seasonal w

Follow up to Blustery Days: A new painting is born!

Yesterday, I posted about  blustery days are great for creating .  I wanted to follow up with my endeavor (and prove to you, my beloved readers, that I do in fact practice what I preach. I had a large sun/moon drawn out, and I finally accomplished it. It really was quite easy to knock it out with the wind whistling at the window. So cozy, and lets you get in the zone. Here is the final product! The original painting is available on  Etsy! Now, if you would like a print of the painting instead of the original, those are available (for a much more wallet friendly price!) at  Zazzle I hope you had just as much success creating! You can follow my art, recieve blog updates, and other cool facts at

QotD- Honor Your Inner Child


Blustery Days Are Great For Creating

The rain is falling, the wind is whipping, the clouds are swirling... Fall is here. No one wants to go out in this weather. Yet, just lying in bed all day isn't productive. So create! Everyone feels some sort of way on gloomy days. So why not make it something beautiful? Write an open letter to that someone (take out the names and publish if you dare!), work something out on the guitar, or put brush to canvas. I'm working on a new painting I call "dance in the light" (sorry, no sneak peeks!) I am expanding into oils and plan on going far with this theme. So exciting! What emotions do cloudy days bring out in you, and how do you express them?

Sometimes You Just Need to Veg- Take a Night In!

I apologize for the lack of posts. I promise to start back soon. Personal issues. Whatever.... it gave me inspiration for tonight's post, and I won't die, so it is all good :) Tonight i just needed to veg. I made the room look like a fall paradise. Orange twinkle lights, candles illuminating pumpkins and skulls, beautiful scents wafting through the air. A few bites of Halloween candy. It is mid-September, time to get the party started. The only thing that would make this better is a caramel apple. *I will be posting MANY fall decorating ideas, getaway ideas, movies, play lists, wine and drink and food ideas over the next coming weeks. In addition to my best resting gown and comfy Egyptian cotton sheets.   I don't think I need to recommend any, but if you haven't made the switch, start here:  Anyway, I absentmindedly let the last six episodes of Revenge  sit on my DVR. What was I thinking? The deception, the absolution, the CLOTHES. I think I watch it more f

Quote of the Day, Apple Cider, and Kicking off Fall Weekends!

"Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive Autumns." - George Eliot Amen, sister! What a lovely time of year! A lot of great activities are starting this weekend that make for perfect Autumnal enjoyment. I am currently working on compiling staycation ideas for the fall, and destinations for those that need/want to travel to get the full experience.  In the meantime enjoy the weekend, and top it off with some cider! Apple cider is wonderful for the whole family. Enjoy it cold, or hot with a dash of cinnamon. For the more mature drinks, add 1 part Jameson for every 4 parts cider (hot or cold!)  TGIF!  Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  George Elio t

A Moment of Reflection for 9/11: The Aftermath

Today, we reflect on the 9/11 tragedy. No one will ever be able to wipe those scenes from our eyes. America was shaken to its core. But, we had resolve. We flew our flags higher. We smiled at people passing by. We were not going to let the terrorists take us down. Sadly, so many have forgotten what we learned on 9/11: unifying the American spirit. The government and citizens have turned social and political discussions into "teams" and shout as if they are watching NASCAR or wrestling. We spread lies and propaganda as truth. We don't look at issues, it is a preconceived propaganda vs the rest, all with the tenacity of ford vs Chevy. We twist the truth to fit us, and ignore informed debate. We use hyperbole and accept it as truth. That is not the country our men and women died for on 9/11 and in the resulting wars. So, in memory of today, let's reflect not on the towers only, but what has happened since and what each of us can do to fix it.

September Means Pumpkin Coffee and Hard Ciders!

With Autumn on the horizon, we are turning our attention to more seasonal drinks.                                          For many, pumpkin lattes are the new fall tradition. They are simply delicious blends of coffee and cream and pumpkin spices. I can't really put into words just how delicious these are. The most popular places to get one are Dunkin' Donuts. It comes hot or iced, if you still have warm temps. One warning, it is very sugary- so either drink with moderation or forgo the whipped cream time to time (Gasp- yes, I know! But we don't want to be as round as a pumpkin when the season is over!) For regular coffee, Dunkin' Donuts does offer pumpkin k-cups for a limited time, and those I recommend highly. I just bought my first box and I am hooked! A must have for any Keurig owner (and really, who isn't?)! If you want information on purchasing a Keurig (it will change your life, go here:   I have had one for 2 years, and really do not know ho

If You Could Only Watch 3 Movies, What Would They Be? Here are 82 Movies People Can't Live Without

I spent 1 week canvassing Facebook and Twitter asking this very question. Not "what is the best", but if you could only watch three EVER. And you had to respond quickly. There were many different tactics people used to come up with their personal list. I received many "I'll get back to you-s" and some tried to come up with a balance of movies, while others knew exactly why they chose what they did. It was a fun exercise. We have all read the best lists that tell us what movies are great based on who the director is or historical importance. This list describes what really hits home for the most. For example, @adimike55 on Twitter said: Pinocchio (first seen), Casablanca (have to watch beginning to end every time), Life of Brian (fall over every time I watch). He picked with sentimentality and taste. Some people completely disregard the "classics" and post simply to what makes them feel good. For example @DeannaI23  on Twitter  laughed that sh

Sparkling Wine as a Fashionable Accessory (Hello Kitty!)

We can all agree, nothing quite beats a perfectly chilled bottle of Moet. When people think bubbly, they most likely think class, celebrations... accessories? This is not a new phenomenon, but one that is intriguing. If you frequent hotel mini-bars or the spirits shelf of an upscale cafeteria, you may have have stumbled upon Sofia. This is sparkling in a can. Yes, sparkling wine in a can. This fun refreshment comes courtesy of the Francis Coppola Winery. Yes, that Francis Ford Coppola. It is quite delicious, and the pink can and accompanying straw make it a great conversation piece. I have been a fan for several years now.  How feminine! I recommend you pair it with dark chocolate Toblerone! The extendable straw I was a bit surprised, though, to find this next piece in the sparkling aisle. I guess it is popular because there was only one left. Say hello to Hello Kitty Sparkling Wines . Yes, you read that correctly. I ALMOST bought the bottle, but decided agains

Be Yourself- Quote of the Day by Mark Twain

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain This goes for everything.

Moon Musings, a QotD from Lennon, and Next Week's Preview

"And we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun" -John Lennon You know you just sang that! I hope everyone has a great evening out under the blue moon and kicking off Labor Day weekend. Stay safe, drink responsibly, and I hope you can sleep in Saturday morning! In case you missed it, here is yesterday's post on the phenomenon and other moon musings See you next week! I have been running a poll on Twitter (@KimmayJ)  and on  Facebook (Kimberly Walls Art and Design) on what three movies people would choose to watch if they could only watch those three. Feel free to comment with your response.  Also coming next week, a new setlist, fall drinks, and autumn staycation ideas!

Qotd 8/30: Once in a Blue Moon, Dreamers, and Honoring Neil Armstrong

“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream. Wandering by lone sea breakers, and sitting by desolate streams. World losers and world forsakers, for whom the pale moon gleams. Yet we are movers and the shakers of the world forever it seems.” -Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy When something unexpected comes along, we turn the phrase "once in a blue moon". Tomorrow night, we get that blue moon. This will not happen again until 2015. So those who want to shape culture, not just sit idly by-tonight is your night to take that leap! Dreaming beyond what we know is the lifespring of art, music, culture, and taste. Sadly, one who dared to step beyond where any man had stepped before, Neil Armstrong, was recently taken from us. Tomorrow night, on this blue moon, his family will say their final goodbyes. So, in honor of the movers and shakers, the could bes, the dreamers and the doers: when the man in the moon smiles upon you, wink back.

Art is Immortal: Inspiration Can Be Found in Unexpected Places

Recently, I took an excursion to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to view their  Visions of Arcadia  exhibit. This was a well put together exclusive showing of classic and modern paintings, sculptures, and poetry that draw upon the French theme of Earthly paradise. With works from Cezanne, Matisse, and Gauguin headlined, I knew this would be one that I would enjoy. And I did. The Bathers do not disappoint;  Gauguin's "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?" is enigmatic, beautiful, and thought provoking; Rousseau's "The Dream" is vibrant; Delaunay's "The City of Paris" fabulously meshes the modern and classic in a way that you want to go back to review it one more time. The whole thing was absolutely charming, and it is a shame if anyone misses it. Afterwards, I took a tour of the American Art wing. I will admit, I am a Europhile snob and do not often give credit to American artists where it is due. This wing features Shaker an


Yup, that is me. I am a serial procrastinator. Today, though, I am tunneling through my to-do list. Why? The backlog is becoming unbearable. So today, I am determined to not procrastinate. So far, so good! Tips to overcome procrastination: -Perspective. Don't make a task too big. If possible, just think about doing one little piece of the puzzle at a time. -Start with the most difficult task. Huh? You say? Yes, do the hardest thing first. Once you do, you will be so proud of yourself that you will keep plowing through. Everything else, also, will seem easier in comparison. -Get moving. Maybe go for a jog or a walk or even just stretch a bit first if excercise isn't your "thing". This will brighten your mood, get your blood pumping, and will make your body want to keep moving! -Finish the task. Allow yourself enough time to not get interrupted, which will restart the procrastination cycle.  Event tip: Order your event tickets ahead of time so that wee

QoTD from Amelia Earhart: Scared? Just go for it!

Sometimes it is scary just to put yourself out there. It can become difficult when the voices in our heads try to convince us that others may laugh or judge or that we must fail. But, that is failure in itself. The most effective way to do it, is to do it.  -Amelia Earhart Reach for that promotion, person  you've had your eye on, art project, whatever!

Last Minute Labor Day Luau Celebration Ideas (Even for those on a budget)

Labor day weekend is breathing down  our necks! Even though the kiddies have begun school, there is still time for one last summer fling! Why not bring the tropics to your backyard? This can be done easily and cheaply. Palm trees- party rental facilities rent everything from life like replicas to neon light up faux trees. But if simplicity or a tight budget is on your mind, little hanging palm trees can be created with just some poster board and streamers. Cut four leaves on green poster-board (for the size pictured, one sheet makes 12 leaves) and arrange in an "x" formation , loop a yellow streamer four times from the middle, staple, and voila! Cut the end of the streamers so they all dangle instead of loop. They are fun, summery replacements for your typical streamers. Food- It is labor day, so I say break out the BBQ one last time before it is better used for s'mores than burgers. BUT, ambrosia salad makes a great summer dessert. Mix 8 oz light sour cream, 8 oz

QotD- Farewell Summer Nights

I, regrettably, haven't blogged as much the last few days as I would like. The last weekend of summer is so busy, and I have been outside soaking as much of it in as possible. I also threw a tropical birthday party. So, there are MANY blog posts to look forward to this week. Everything from art reviews, to party planning, to a playlist, to some movie ideas. I am very excited. But for this final Saturday before back to school and fall begins: "We watched the season pull up its own stage and catch the last weekend of the last week before gold and the glimmer have been replaced, another sun soaked season fades away" -Dashboard Confessional I always get a bit misty eyed this last weekend of August, and this song has been stuck in my head this time of year ever since its release. So go catch the rays, take a swim, have some water ice.... Breathe, and enjoy! What is your favorite part of summer? Source: via Ivy on Pinterest

QotD 8/22- Audrey Hepburn, Shakespeare, and Never Growing Up

If I'm honest I have to tell you I still read fairy-tales and I like them best of all. -Audrey Hepburn I agree! I love things that are fantastic and creative and beautiful and transport us. A lot of people do (See the popularity of shows  like  Once Upon A Time and movies like  Snow White and the Huntsman and The Hobbit ) These are not "girly" or for the young, they are for those that never stop believing that the world is not a small, crowded place. If you are in the mood for a great fantasy read, why not try the classics: Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream is perfect for a warm, summery night! It may not be midsummer, but we can dream! Tip: It is free on the kindle!

QotD 8/21- Keep Pressing On (Culture is important!)

Life pushes at us hard. I get it. Kids, work, school, bills, and taking care of everyone's needs leave us with little time for anything else. But, please, do not forget to keep things creative, free, and beautiful. Support your local arts and artists, whether it is someone else or your own! For today's quick quote, here is JFK on why that is so important. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. -John F. Kennedy

Alcohol Free Fruity and Fresh Drinks

I post a lot of alcoholic drinks, and some people would like to make some fun drink ideas that are suitable for everyone. So, here are a few fun alcohol free drinks to roll out at a brunch, gathering, or the next time you just want something new. If you still want something with that alcohol kick, these are a great base as well. Pomegranate power! Mix some orange juice and pineapple juice, add a splash of fresh lime. Add a splash of pomegranate juice for color and super great antioxidants. Fall is around the corner- mix some sparkling cider with ginger ale! For some extra fun, stir with a cinnamon stick! Sparkling apple punch- 2 qt apple juice, 6 freshly juiced lemons, 10 freshly juiced oranges, and a bottle of sparkling grape juice mix together for a fresh punch! Lemon Fizz- lemonade, limeade, sprite. Stir. Enjoy! Enjoy! Once it gets cooler, look for some warm drink recipes!

QotD- Gaugin and Artist Saturday

Artist Saturday! "Art is either plagiarism or revolution" -Paul Gauguin An Online Collection of Gauguin's Works

QotD- Friday Edition- Oscar Wilde!

When you want a breathe of honesty, go with Oscar Wilde. The man truly said it like it is, and you will probably see a lot of his quotes pop up here. In honor of the impending weekend: "Work is the plague of the drinking class." -Oscar Wilde So stop working for a few days and relax! And like always, drink responsibly! *For more quotes like these, and great conversation pieces:  the "drink with the great drinkers" shot glasses are for you!  I got these for Christmas, and I thoroughly love them!

Earl Grey Crème Brûlée and a Philadelphia Landmark

Today is a sad day. I learned that my favorite dessert, earl grey c rème brûlée , was taken off the menu at  Granite Hill at the Philadelphia Museum of Art . It was what dreams were made of and perfect way to cap off a visit to one of my favorite places to wander. I am not one to throw a tantrum, but I have sent them a message asking if it will come back on a fall or winter seasonal menu. Despite this change, I will still go back to eat there often. It is a Stephen Starr establishment that lives up to the reputation. A delectable chef's table, a perfect hamburger, inspired drinks, and seasonal French cuisine are the staples of this minimalistic- AKA perfected menu. The service is also delightful and polite, and the manager oversees that every dish is sent out at top quality. I cannot speak highly enough of how much Granite Hill adds the perfect cap to a beautiful day at the museum. Okay, so what to do about the  c rème brûlée  ? Find a recipe and make it yourself! (Gasp! I know